The slap

|| A Turkish folktale ||

Nasreddin Hodja is a man known for his wit and wisdom throughout Turkey. He impresses the Sultan and serves justly in his court. This story is from before he becomes a part of Emperor’s courtiers.

One day Nasreddin Hodja was standing in the marketplace when a stranger stepped up to him and slapped him in the face, but then said, “I beg your pardon. I thought that you were someone else.”

This explanation did not satisfy the Hodja, so he brought the stranger before the qadi (judge) and demanded compensation.

The aadi did not seem to be interested in listening to Hodja as he kept interrupting him. Hodja soon perceived that the qadi and the defendant were friends.

Hodja completed his story and the defendant admitted his guilt.

The defendant admitted his guilt, and the judge pronounced the sentence: “The settlement for this offense is one piaster, to be paid to the plaintiff. If you do not have a piaster with you, then you may bring it here to the plaintiff at your convenience.”

The defendant went on his way saying he doesn’t have one paister on him and that he ought to get it.

Hodja was angry. He did not even get a proper apology. But he decided to get over the thing. The Hodja waited for the person to return with the piaster. And he waited. And he waited.

Some time later the Hodja said to the qadi, “Do I understand correctly that one piaster is sufficient payment for a slap?”

“Yes,” answered the qadi. “Are you sure?”, asked Hodja. “Yes”, replied the qadi again.

Hearing this answer, the Hodja slapped the judge in the face and said, “You may keep my piaster when the defendant returns with it,” then walked away.

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