How An Ass Became The Mayor

|| A folktale from Netherlands ||

Once upon a time there was a peasant who had a great deal of money but very little understanding. He was just plain stupid. He had no children, but he did have a wife, few cattle, a horse and an ass.

This peasant had heard a lot said about the university, and that one could learn a lot there, so he became more and more curious about it. One day he was talking about it with a neighbour, who said, “What people have told you about the university is nothing. Did you know that there they can make educated people out of dumb animals?”

“You don’t say so!” said the peasant. “I’m going to give that a try. My ass is so smart that when I say ‘gideeup’ to my horse, he starts to walk as well.”

So the peasant went to Leiden city with his ass. He rang at the university, and a student came to him, asking him what he wanted.

“I would like to speak with the professor,” said the peasant, “for my ass is going to go to the university.”

“Oh,” said the student, “then just come along with me.” Of course he did not take the peasant to a professor, but rather to one of his fellow students. After the peasant had explained why he was there, the student said it was good, and that he would be able to leave the ass there.

Then they spoke about the tuition charges, and to start, the peasant had to pay seventy guilders.

He thought that was expensive, but he paid it nonetheless, and left his ass in Leiden.

After an year, the peasant went to get his animal back.

“Didn’t he write to you that he is just beginning his examinations?” said the student. “He will pass them, but it all costs money.”

“Well,” said the peasant, “in that case I’ll pay another hundred guilders. But this is the very last time!”

After hearing nothing for another two months, the peasant one day went to Leiden with the firm resolve to take the ass home with him.

When he told the student his intentions, the student said to him, “I don’t understand! Didn’t he write to you? He passed his examinations with honors and now has a very good position. He is the mayor of Amsterdam.”

“That was inconsiderate of him not to write to me,” said the peasant. “But I’ll get hold of him!”

So he went to Amsterdam.

The peasant rang at the mayor’s office and asked to meet him saying that he knew him from long ago.

The mayor of Amsterdam finally granted him audience. The foolish peasant saw the mayor and was impressed about how the university transformed his ass.

He told the mayor the whole story. The mayor listened in utter amusement.

It was going fine until the peasant took out the rope he used to tie the ass and said, “Come, I’ll tie to your neck and take you home. My wife has arranged fresh hay for you.”

And the mayor had him thrown out of the door. But he felt pity for the man, so he gave few guilders as charity.

So the peasant went away unsatisfied.

Arriving home, he said to his wife, “Yes, it is true that they really can do things there in the university, but there is not much in it for us normal people”

“Our ass is now just an educated ass”

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