The Legend of the Chariot Compass

|| A Japanese Legend ||

Long ago in China (Chinese kingdom extended to Japan that time), there was a wonderful invention called the shinansha. This was a chariot which had the figure of a man on it always pointing to the South.

No matter how the chariot was placed the figure always wheeled about and pointed to the South. It was like a compass before the compass was actually invented.

This curious instrument was invented by Kotei, one of the three Chinese Emperors of the Mythological age. Kotei was the son of the Emperor Yuhi. Before he was born his mother had a vision which foretold that her son would be a great man.

Kotei in time grew to manhood and succeeded his father, the Emperor Yuhi.

His early reign was greatly troubled by the rebel Shiyu. Shiyu was a rebel who wanted to make himself King, and he fought many battles with Kotei. Shiyu was a wicked magician, his head was made of iron, and there was no man that could conquer him.

At last Kotei declared war against the rebel and led his army to battle, and the two armies met on a plain.

The Emperor boldly attacked the enemy, but the magician brought down a dense fog upon the battlefield.

While the royal army were wandering about in confusion, trying to find their way, Shiyu retreated with his troops, laughing at having fooled the royal army.

No matter however strong and brave the Emperor’s soldiers were, the rebel Shiyu with his magic could always escape in the end. Kotei was determined not to give up yet.

After a long time he invented the shinansha with the figure of a man always pointing South, for there were no compasses in those days. With this instrument to show him the way he need not fear the dense fogs raised up by the magician to confound his men.

Kotei again declared war against Shiyu. He placed the shinansha in front of his army and led the way to the battlefield.

The battle began in earnest. The rebel was being driven backward by the royal troops when he again resorted to magic and immediately a dense fog came down upon the battlefield.

But this time no soldier minded the fog, not one was confused. Kotei by pointing to the shinansha could find his way and directed the army without a single mistake.

He closely pursued the rebel army and drove them backward till they came to a big river. This river was swollen by the floods and was impossible to cross.

Shiyu’s men were captured but Shiyu crossed the river using magic and locked himself in his fortress on a hill on the other bank.

Kotei was disappointed but there was nothing he could do. Boats were not invented by that time. He pitched a tent in the driest part of the river bank and waited for the flood to reduce.

One day as Kotei was sitting and thinking, he saw a spider try to jump on a dried leaf and it floated over to the other bank.

An idea crossed the king’s mind. He sat and worked with different materials until he invented a boat that would be strong enough to carry men. Then more boats were made for his men too.

Kotei now took his army across the river, and attacked Shiyu’s headquarters. He gained a complete victory, and so put an end to the war which had troubled his country for so long.

This wise and good Emperor did not rest till he had secured peace and prosperity throughout his whole land. He was beloved by his subjects, who now enjoyed their happiness of peace for many long years under him.

He spent a great deal of time in making inventions which would benefit his people, and he succeeded in many besides the boat and the South Pointing shinansha.

He was said to have ruled for 100 years and was taken to heaven by the Empress Dragon. His personal artefacts left behind were preserved and worshipped by his people.

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