|| An Indian folktale || Once a fisherwoman passed by the royal palace calling out, ...

|| A Chinese folklore || Nearly five thousand years ago, the Son of Heaven, Yong-Lo, ...

|| An Indian folktale || Once upon a time, Brahmadatta, the King of Benares, was ...

|| A Chinese folktale || Once upon a time, long time ago, there were no ...

|| An Indian folktale || Once upon a time there lived a wealthy merchant Bikram ...

|| A Russian folktale || In the parish of St. Nicholas in St. Petersberg there ...

|| An Indian folktale || In a certain town there lived a clever old Brahman, ...

|| A Tibetan folklore || Once there was a wise monk who taught three little ...

|| A Filipino folklore || Thousands of years ago there was no land nor sun ...

|| An Indian folktale || There was once a talkative little blackbird (the litia) who ...