|| An African-American Narrative || This is a true story shared by an ex-slave, Charity ...

|| An Austrian folktale || Hans Puchsbaum was a mason in the Viennese Cathedral Construction ...

|| A Korean folktale || Mr. Kim, who lived at the foot of the mountains, ...

|| A Turkish folktale – Eid Special || Near the Bayezid mosque in Istanbul, there ...

|| A South-African folktale || The birds wanted a king. Men have a king, so ...

|| An Irish folktale || A long time ago there lived a poor farmer and ...

The following excerpt is picked from Arthur Conan Doyle’s Memoir. The language has been simplified ...

|| An Aesops Fable || Once upon a time, a wealthy couple lost their only ...

|| An Icelandic folktale || Once upon a time, long long ago, there was a ...

|| An Italian legend || The exact origins of the song ‘Ciao, Bella’ or ‘Goodbye, ...