|| A Russian folktale || A soldier was positioned in a certain town. He had ...

|| A Chinese folktale || Just outside a Chinese city there lived a young woodcutter ...

|| An Indian folktale || Long ago in the city of Benaras, there lived two ...

|| A German folktale || Once upon a time there was a dear, brave boy ...

|| A Japanese folktale || The Prince of Hizen, of the Nabéshima family, walked in ...

|| A Native-American folktale || There was once a time when there were but two ...

|| An Indian folktale || Once upon a time, there lived a weaver who was ...

|| A Grimm’s fairytale – Retold || Long long ago, a huge wild boar was ...

|| An Austrian folktale || Once there lived a couple who had three sons. Two ...

| |A Scottish folktale || A shoemaker once engaged an apprentice. A short time after ...