Fighting Battles For Family – Lakshman & Indrajit

|| Stories from Indian Mythology – 2 ||

In the battle between Ram and Ravan, two key characters fought alongside them. They are Laxman, Ram’s brother and Indrajit, Ravan’s son.

Meghanath, as Indrajit was previously known as, was a fierce and powerful warrior. He defeated the King of Gods, Indra, thereby earning him the name. It is said that Lord Brahma gave him a boon where he cannot be killed by anyone other than a common man who has not slept for 14 years.

But Indrajit wanted complete immortality. Brahma denies, but he mentions a ritual which can give him a celestial chariot which can make him invulnerable. He cautions though, that whoever interrupts the ritual can kill Indrajit.

Indrajit, aside being a skilled archer, the formidable and furious warrior also was a master in sorcery and illusion warfare.

On the first day of the Lanka war, he immobilizes both Ram and Lakshman using Nagapash or the trap of million snakes. They would be later rescued by Garuda, Ram’s ally in the war.

Enraged that the brothers escaped, the second day, Indrajit’s vows to end atleast one of the brothers. He fought Laxman. Using powers of his illusion, he appears near and far, front and behind, vanishing and re-appearing at different places.

After injuring Laxman and leaving him to die by sunrise, he leaves in triumph. But Laxman is revived by the Sanjeevani herb, brought from Himalayas by Hanuman.

On the third day, at this point, after narrowly escaping death twice, what brotherly devotion and courage must Laxman have to step into the battle with such a powerful enemy!

Meanwhile, Indrajit attempts to do the ritual mentioned by Brahma that would make him invincible. Laxman comes to know about this and interrupts the ritual, rendering it unfinished.

Indrajit, remembering Brahma’s caution on being interrupted, flees to the royal palace and is now convinced that Laxman is his slayer.

The conditions fit him. Laxman, guarding his dear brother Ram, and Sita, has not slept a wink in 14 years in exile!

Indrajit tries to convince Ravan to make peace with Ram. But Ravan, overcome by pride, triggers Indrajit calling him a traitor and coward.

Indrajit clarifies to his father that he would fulfil his duty as a son, would not abandon him in the face of death and that he would continue fighting.

He bows to his parents one last time, says goodbye to his wife and steps into battlefield on the third day, knowing that he won’t return.

Almost like the way Laxman stepped into the battlefield, knowing he faced a fierce enemy who had overpowered him twice.

A fierce battle ensues and finally Indrajit is defeated by Laxman and the latter kills him.

While Laxman and Indrajit fought on opposite sides, the one thing common to them was their devotion to their family which made them willing to face death with courage.

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