The Day The Souls Protested Against the Body

|| Faraway Originals Ages 5+ ||

In the far far land, there was a place called Soulville which was invisible to humans. It is said that all souls gather there once a while to discuss and meet other souls. If a soul gets bored of its human machine, it is free to escape and live here permanently.

It is the year 2029 and the souls have gathered once more to discuss on an important matter. The souls have many complaints about humans and their habits. Some said the humans were reading and exercising less. Some complained they were stuck to mobiles or laptop screens all day. They wanted to do something to teach the humans a lesson to make them appreciate their body.

So they decided to tax the body.

But how do you tax a body? Money means nothing to either body or soul. So they decided to tax the potential. Potential means if were able to use eyes to watch TV for 2 hours straight, you will now be able to watch only for one and a half hour. The souls thought this would be a good way discipline the humans.

All went fine for a while. Kids who watched TV all day now could watch only for sometime because the eyes and ears were taxed. So they started playing outside instead. Adults who sat down all day could not use their buttocks so they started walking. People who stuffed themselves stopped overeating as the stomach could not work like before.

Wow, this seemed to be working! There was something, however, the souls forgot.

This also limited good habits and necessary habits. But what would happen if the potential of important organs like brain, bladder or heart were taxed?! You can’t punish a heart for feeling and a brain for learning! What about athletes, singers, scientists, craftsmen and others? What can a marathon runner do if his legs are taxed everyday or a potter if his hands are charged for making lovely clay crafts?

After a month, the souls had to have an emergency meeting. They thought and thought on what else could be done to teach humans to cherish their body and soul.

A wise old soul finally spoke, “My dear fellow souls, if i may suggest something. Let the humans make their choice. Only they can decide what is right for them. We can only nudge them from inside”. All souls nodded in agreement.

So the souls stopped the tax and decided to quit telling the humans what to do. They instead speak to humans through a voice from the inside. You might hear the voice reassuring you when you’re scared or stopping you when you are being reckless. Listen to it sometimes, otherwise, if the soul gets tired of you, it will leave you to go to Soulville.

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