The lion’s meal

|| An Tanzanian folktale ||

Seven hills was a great place, it had a brook and lots of trees and green. But a lion lived there and killed the animals that wandered too close.

The animals made a pact with the lion to send one animal everyday.

None of the animals were happy with this but they had to do it.

One day it was the turn of a hare. The hare thought of a plan on the way.

He rolled into the mud and ran the last few steps as if he ran all the way.

The lion was angry.

He roared, “This dirty hare can’t be my dinner”.

The hare said, “I’m not your dinner. I was bringing another plump hare but there was another lion who kept that hare for himself”

Hearing this the lion became even more angry. He roared, “Take me to the lion”.

The hare took him a well and said, “The lion lives inside, I’m terrified”.

Sure enough, when the lion looked down, he saw his own reflection, an angry lion.

He roared, the reflection roared back.

The lion had enough.

He jumped into the well to teach the other lion a lesson and was never heard of again. The animals celebrated and praised the hare for this cleverness.

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