The longest story in the world

|| An African folktale ||

Once upon a time in Africa, there was a chief who liked stories a lot.

He knew so many stories that he would sometimes complete the story-teller’s story himself.

He would often reward someone with a good story. He never had enough of stories, he always wanted more wonderful and fascinating stories.

He sent his men everywhere to look for a good story-teller.

The men announced in every village, “The chief promises presents to the one who can tell the longest story and make him laugh”.

Many people came and told long stories but they could not make the chief laugh.

The chief always said, ” This isn’t the longest story and there is nothing to laugh at”

One poor but clever boy heard this and decided to try his luck. He came to the chief and started his story:

“Long ago there lived a man called Mogambo with the stomach of an ocean. He ate so much but his stomach was never full. The chief of his village heard about him and took on the challenge of feeding him.”

“He ordered pots of soup, meat and fruit which was carried on hundreds of camels.

Many people came to watch Mogambo eat. Mogambo came and bowed to the Chief. The drummers began to drum and musicians started playing music.

Mogambo thanked the chief and sat down and he started to eat. He ate and he ate and he ate…”

The boy continued:

“He ate..

and he ate…..

and he ate…”,

The chief said, “He ate and ate and ate, then what?”.

The boy said, ” This is only the first pot, please wait a little”.

Evening passed and the boy was still saying, “…he ate and ate and ate..”

At last the chief ordered the boy to stop his story the next day.

“What happens after”, asked the chief. The boy said, ” Oh, my chief, he not only ate, he drank and drank and he ate and ate..”.

The boy said louder and louder, “..HE DRANK AND HE ATE AND HE ATE..”

The chief looked on for few moments and burst into laughing.

The Chief said, “Alright! alright! yours is the longest story in the world, now stop!”.

The boy then stopped the story and joined the chief in his laughter.

The boy then received many presents from the chief and climbed on a camel and left to his village still saying, “…HE ATE AND HE ATE AND HE ATE…” leaving the people laughing in mirth.

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