The riddle of the sphinx

|| A Greek folktale ||

A sphinx is a mythical creature from Greek & Egyptian mythologies.

Sphinx is said to have the head of a woman, the body of a lion and wings of a falcon.

Greek legend tells that Sphinx guarded the ancient Greek city of Thebes.

She would ask the passersby a riddle.

Only those that answered her correctly would be allowed to pass through. She would eat the others.

Her famous riddle was, ” What has 4 legs in the beginning, 2 legs later and 3 legs towards the last?”

Oedipus was a Greek nobleman who was entering the city Thebus one day. He was asked the same question by her.

Oedipus thought for a while and replied, “It is a man, who crawls on all fours as a infant, walks on two legs as a man and then walks with a support”

Sphinx knows the answer is right. She jumps off the tall cliff and is never heard of ever again.

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