The Three Prophecies

|| An Italian folktale ||

A man once left his country to go to foreign parts, and there entered the service of an abbot (head of the monks). After he had spent some time in faithful service, he desired to see his wife and native land.

He said to the abbot, “Sir, I have served you thus long, but now I wish to return to my country.”

“Yes, my son,” said the abbot, ” but before departing I must give you the three hundred ounces (nearly 13 francs) that I have put together for you. Will you be satisfied with three prophecies, or with the three hundred ounces?”

The servant answered, “I will be satisfied with the three prophecies.”

“Then listen carefully and do not forget”, said the abbot.

“First: When you change the old road for the new, you will find troubles which you have not looked for.

Second: See much and say little.

Third: Think over a thing before you do it, for a thing deliberated is very fine. Take this loaf of bread and break it when you are truly happy.”

The good man was puzzled with the advice but he knew better than to question the wisdom of the abbott. He thanked him and set homeward.

On his journey, he met other travelers. They said to him, “We are going to take the short-cut. Will you come with us?”

But he remembering the three advices of his master answered, “No, my friends, I will keep on this road.”

When he had gone few minutes, bang! bang! he heard some screams and commotion from afar. The companions he left behind had been attacked by robbers.

He heaved a sigh of relief and continued on his way. Towards mid-noon, he became hungry as a dog. Thankfully there seemed to be a strange inn a little farther.

He called for something to eat. A large dish of rice and meat was brought to him.

He started to eat hungrily, bit into a stone and almost broke his teeth! Such negligence!

He wanted to call the innkeeper and give him a lecture, but just then he thought what the abott said, “See much and say little;” so he remained silent. The innkeeper came, he settled his bill, and took leave.

He later got to know from other travellers that the innkeeper was the leader of the robbers and spared no one who dared to question him. The advice helped him again.

He travelled for few more days and reached his country and his city.

He reached his house, saw the door ajar and slipped in. He looked about and saw no one, only in the middle of the room was a table, well set with two glasses, two seats & food for two.

He thought, “I left my wife alone and here I find things arranged for two. Did she remarry”. So he hid himself under the bed to see what went on.

A moment after he saw his wife enter with a smart young priest. He heard his wife say, “I hope you had a good day, my dear. You must be hungry.”

She had called him ‘dear’. He was on the verge of coming out and giving the man a beating when he remembered the last advice.

“Think over a thing before you do it, for a thing deliberated is very fine” So he calmed down and waited. He saw them both sit down at the table, but before eating his wife turned to the young priest and said: “My son, let us say our accustomed prayer for your father.”

When he heard this he came from under the bed crying and laughing for joy, and embraced and kissed them both. They were overjoyed to see him too!

Then he remembered the loaf his master had given him and told him to eat in his happiness; he broke the loaf and there fell on the table all the three hundred ounces, which the master had secretly put in the loaf.

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