The Vampire Cat

|| A Japanese folktale ||

The Prince of Hizen, of the Nabéshima family, walked in the garden with O Toyo, his lady love.

When the sun set they retired to the palace, but failed to notice that they were being followed by a large cat.

O Toyo went to her room and fell asleep. At midnight she awoke startled, as if suddenly aware of some dreadful presence in the chamber.

She saw a gigantic cat crouching close staring at her. Before she could cry out for assistance the animal sprang upon her and strangled her.

The animal then buried the corpse in the garden, and assumed her form.

The prince, who knew nothing of what had happened, continued to love the false O Toyo, unaware that in reality he was caressing a foul beast.

He noticed, little by little, that his strength failed, and it was not long before he became dangerously ill.

Physicians were summoned, but they could do nothing. It was observed that he suffered most during the night, and was troubled by horrible dreams.

His councilors arranged that a hundred soldiers should sit with their lord and keep watch while he slept.

The watch went into the royal chamber, but just before ten o’clock, they were overcome by a mysterious drowsiness.

When all the men were asleep, the false O Toyo crept in and disturbed the prince until sunrise.

Night after night the watch came to guard the prince, but always they fell asleep at the same hour.

A priest named Ruiten was appointed to pray on his behalf.

One evening, the priest noticed a young soldier chanting in front of an image of Buddha, and prayed most ardently for the recovery of the prince.

Ruiten, delighted to find such zeal and loyalty, asked the young man to explain his action.

“I am Ito Soda,” said the young man, “serving in the infantry of Nabéshima. I have heard of my lord’s sickness, but being of low rank, I cannot guard him myself. I believe that the prince is bewitched, so I am praying for him.”

Ruiten was so favorably impressed that he convinced the councilors that Ito Soda must be part of the watch.

So that night, Ito Soda joined the soldiers. By ten o’clock all the soldiers, in spite of their efforts, had fallen asleep.

Ito Soda tried to keep his eyes open, but a heaviness was gradually overcoming him, and he realized that if he wished to keep awake he must resort to extreme measures.

He twisted his knife in his thigh, and and kept his loyal watch, while blood continually dripped.

While Ito Soda watched, he saw the sliding doors drawn open and a beautiful woman creep softly into the apartment.

With a smile she noticed the sleeping watch, and was about to approach the prince when she observed Ito Soda.

After she had spoken curtly to Ito Soda, she approached the prince and inquired how he fared, but the prince was too ill to reply.

Ito Soda watched her every movement with suspicious eyes and at last she was forced to leave without casting her spell.

Next two nights, the same thing happened.

Ito Soda kept watch and the false O Toyo was compelled to leave without being able to bewitch the prince.

The prince, meanwhile, was able to sleep peacefully and began to get better.

Soda, impressed by these strange circumstances, went to Ruiten and informed him that the so-called O Toyo was a goblin of some kind.

That night Soda planned to go to the creature’s room and try to kill her.

He arranged eight soldiers outside her chamber, waiting to capture her in case she escapes.

So he went to her chamber, pretending that he bore a message from the prince.

“Kindly read this letter,” said Soda, and pretended to pull out a scroll from behind, but instead drew the sword.

But the false O Toyo quickly drew a spear and fought back fiercely.

Blow followed blow, but at last, she understood that Soda was not giving up.

She threw away her weapon, and in a moment the lovely maiden turned into a cat, sprang onto the roof and fled.

The eight men waiting outside in case of emergency shot at the animal, but the creature escaped. It was later killed in a hunt ordered by the prince.

The prince became well again.

He mourned his lady love, the real O Toyo and had her statue built in the garden, in the place she was buried.

Ito Soda received the honor and reward he so richly deserved.

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